Beiträge und Teilnehmende für Generationsgespräch gesucht

English below

Sonntag den 21. April:

Für diesen Sonntag Termin wollen wir eine trans_Inter_nonbinary Generationsgesprächsrunde machen. Somit würden wir uns freuen, wenn Menschen die vor 2000 transitionierten, bereit wären Teilzunehmen, um aus dem Leben zu erzählen und offen für Fragen wären (aber auch nur die Beantworten, auf die eins Antworten mag) und auch gerne eigene Fragen mitbringen.

Wer nicht kommen kann, aber sich mitteilen mag, kann uns gerne auch einen Text einsenden. Denkt aber bitte daran, euch kurzzuhalten.

transcommunityproject (at)

Wir würden das als Podiumsverstaltung machen mit einer Art moderiertem live Interview.
Dazu könnt Ihr auch gerne eure Fragen mal einsenden, die wir stellen sollen.

Ansonsten gibt es ja auch noch einen Ausklang und so die Möglichkeit bei Bedarf das Gespräch zu suchen/finden.

Wir gehen davon aus, das die Geschichten aus dem Leben auch emotional fordernd sein können. Durch unsere unterschiedlichen Lebenrealitäten und auch Sprachgebrauch welcher die eigene gelebte Realität in Worte formt, werden wir uns da untereinander dann einiges auch abverlangen. Deswegen arbeiten wir auch an einem Möglichen Awarness Konzept.
Allgemein setzen wir auf einen gewissen Mindest Respekt so wir uns alle irgendwie auch untereinander auffangen können und für einander da sind.

Gerne informieren wir dich auch per E-Mail über alle kommenden Termine mit einer monatlichen E-Mail.

Sunday, April 21:

For this Sunday date we want to have a trans_Inter_nonbinary generation discussion. So we would be happy to have people ho transitioned before 2000, would be willing to participate to talk about their lives and would be open to questions (but only answer the ones they like to answer) and would also be happy to bring their own questions.

If you can’t come but would like to share, you are also welcome to send us a text. But please remember to keep it short.

transcommunityproject (at)

We would do this as a panel event with a kind of moderated live interview.
You are also welcome to send in your questions for us to ask.

Otherwise, there will also be a closing and thus the opportunity to seek/find a conversation if necessary.

We assume that the stories from life can also be emotionally challenging. Due to our different life realities and also our use of language, which forms our own lived reality into words, we will demand a lot from each other. That is why we are also working on a possible awareness concept.
In general, we rely on a certain minimum respect so that we can all somehow support each other and be there for each other.

Would you like to be informed about the upcoming event once a month? –> transcommunityproject at

Update Opening Hours

Update: From now on, Lost & Found will be taking place from 3 pm to 6 pm. We may continue afterwards, depending on how the afternoon develops.


Info Post

In our last organizational meeting, we again discussed who should actually be addressed with LoFo-Queerspace.

So far, from our understanding, everyone who is not cis or partly cis and who finds themselves in the idea of ​​Lost & Found has been cordially invited to come along and help shape and use the space. For us this also included inter and detrans people.
However, we know that often these groups have either not been thought of in the organizing process or there are insecurities on the side of inter and detrans people regarding  they are actually welcomed. Thus we came to the conclusion, that is important for us to address inter and detrans people explicitly and not just considered in an umbrella term, as those concerns and uncertainties seem familiar for us. We all have our experiences in endo cis dominant FLINTA spaces or at trans regulars’ tables organized by binary & medically transitioning women/men, from which we can understand arising concerns.

We want LoFo Queerspace to be a place for all outkasts of a cis-normative society, so for us it is important to adress inter and detrans explicitly from now on.

Note: FLINTA is a german abbreviation for women, lesbian, inter, non-binary, trans and agender. It is often used as a label for exclusive (often endo cis) feminist spaces, trying (or not trying) to be inclusive for multiple non-cis genders – you may have come across it already.

Lost and Found has started!

Finally it’s happening: lost & found has started !

Spread the word and invite your queer friends, lovers and platonic relationships.

Here is our first invitation:
Over some coffee, tea, snacks and some self made lemonade, we can have a good time together to relax and connect. We will be offering a table with queer fanzines and some other reading material, as well as a more private space to read and be for yourself.

Last but not least, a clothing swap will be taking place each lost & found from now on. So bring clothes you want to give away; be it the most fancy pretransition dress or a sweater that didn’t elevate your gender as you hoped for.

Please connect with each other respectfully and in solidarity, be aware and take care of others. If any Situation occurs where you feel unsafe, uncomfortable or you observe a critical situation, you can come to the bar and tell us.
lost and found is a smoking-free space.
The space is accessible by wheelchair as well as the toilets, though the front of the entrance is made of cobble stones.
Please test yourself before joining the event!

Lost & Found
Sunday, 22nd jan 2023, 15-22h
Centro Sociale (Sternstr. 2)